31 Jan Spring is just around the corner, so stay ready with the right equipment
Did you catch our September article on preparing your home for winter? We recommended taking steps to prevent water damage. If you were proactive, congratulations! We hope your home will prove to be completely safe and dry this spring.
Springtime in Canada is usually synonymous with flooding. This is especially true for older homes and those in rural or watershed areas. Let’s revisit our fall tips with a focus on flood protection.
If you have a reliable sump system in your basement, then you’re already in good shape to prevent water damage. If not, we recommend our Outdoor Sump System as your best level of protection. Keep water out of your home in the first place!
Of course, as we mentioned last fall maintaining your home’s water-wicking systems is important. If you cleaned your gutters and basement window wells in the fall, you’ll see the hard work pay-off this spring when the rains are washing clearly away from your foundation. We know it’s not fun…but take time periodically to do quick cleanouts of both and that work keeps paying off, all year long.
If your home is near a floodplain and prone to property flooding you may also want to consider having our practical and storable TriWater Bags. They provide an easy, portable barrier between your foundation and these wet areas. They’re great for residential, commercial, and even municipal/emergency use! For areas where serious flooding is a major concern, consider our BoxBarrier® Flood Protection system.
* Check to see if your home is in a flood zone: FloodSmart Canada – for all provinces Government of Ontario flooding maps Or for Ontario residents, contact your local conservation authority.
If you’re tired of dealing with swampy, smelly basements every spring we can help! We offer a range of Canadian-made, proven, durable products to help you stay protected, either at home or for your business. Visit our catalogue or contact us today.
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